Friday, October 18, 2019

Reading notes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Reading notes - Essay Example The two examples are a clear indication of how sports can alter a man’s attitude. More so, sport affects significantly on their fantasy’s life. It is when they describe and imagine how they will do it in the real sense. A family has a significant role in defining American woman’s dreams and expectations. Men determine what women do in life (McBride & Parry, 2014). Taking the case of Willy and his Wife Linda, Linda must ensure that his husband’s cup is filled with coffee whenever he needs it. For this reason, instead of sitting down and enjoying her coffee, Linda must keep on checking whether Willy has coffee in his cup. In another context, Willy orders The Woman to leave immediately to the hall. Despite pleading that she is naked, Willy asks her to respect his order and leave without questioning. According to this play, men and women are treated differently. It is because; the society has defined certain roles for women and others for men (McBride & Parry, 2014). Therefore, women are to be submissive to men at all

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